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                                    34 GUIDELINE ON MAINSTREAMING CLIMATE RESPONSIVENESS AND RESILIENCE INTO URBAN PLANNINGThe first round of assessments was of the 2019/20 Council Approved BEPPs only. All eight metros completed BEPPs in this year. During the following year in 2020/21, both Cape Town and Johannesburg transitioned out of the BEPP, and did not submit a BEPP. For the remaining six metros, the 2020/21 BEPPs were assessed, and feedback was provided. In the case of Cape Town and Johannesburg, the suite of available strategic planning documents was assessed using the same assessment framework. For the 2021/22 period assessments, a range of planning documents were considered for all the metros and included the IDP, the SDF and the Growth and Development Strategy (GDS) or City Development Strategy (CDS).It is important to note that the assessments only considered published planning instruments such as the BEPP, IDP, SDF, GDS, CDS and some sector plans. The assessment was only able to account for the information captured in these documents.Assessment consideration (criteria)Content requirements as per CR BEPP Guidance NoteYear applicable & detail expected2019/20 2020/21 2021/221. Climate change response and resilience reflected in guiding principles and strategies.Standardised section on metropolitan municipalities%u2019 response to its climate risks, including reference to strategies and plans, and how climate change is strategically and transversally institutionalised within the organisation and incorporated into the drafting of the BEPP.1.1. The spatial vision reflects or considers climate change response and resilience, informing spatial targeting.Insert a paragraph that succinctly sets out the City%u2019s whole-city climate change profile and risks, and where in the BEPP these risks are addressed.2. Climate change response and resilience reflected in desired outcomes.Incorporate CR&R into the identification and prioritisation of spatial targeting areas through climate risk and vulnerability assessment and application of the findings from this assessment to the priority spatial targeting areas (integration zones, marginalised residential areas, economic nodes, prioritised precincts etc.).2.1. Spatial targeting goals and outcomes for integration zones reflect climate change response and resilience.Insert weblink in BEPP to the City%u2019s Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.Incorporate a paragraph in the section that demonstrates how the City has applied the findings of its Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment to its spatial targeting.Demonstrate how the guidelines have been applied to the planning for priority spatial targeting areas.
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