Page 42 - Demo
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36 GUIDELINE ON MAINSTREAMING CLIMATE RESPONSIVENESS AND RESILIENCE INTO URBAN PLANNINGAssessment consideration (criteria)Content requirements as per CR BEPP Guidance NoteYear applicable & detail expected2019/20 2020/21 2021/225. Additional investment, fiscal support or human capital/expertise is identified in support of climate change response and resilience.Incorporation of climate change experts into relevant forums and decision-making structures responsible for city%u2019s project pipeline. Identify and package projects to facilitate access to climate finance.5.1. The role of officials with climate change expertise are identified in support of infrastructure investment planning.Indicate the role of officials with climate change expertise in infrastructure investment planning.Amend ToRs of relevant structures as required to make provision for the inclusion of climate change experts.5.2. Intentions demonstrated to pursue and progressively increase access to climate finance where appropriate.Describe the city%u2019s multi-year strategy for progressively increasing access to climate finance.Demonstrate the City%u2019s multi-year strategy to initiating or increasing access to climate finance to expand the resources available to the City to invest in CR&R infrastructure.5.3. Climate change response and resilience is integrated into the implementation of the CLDP.Demonstrate how the City will integrate CR&R concerns in its implementation of the CLDP.6. Climate change response and resilience goals and outcomes are actioned through institutional arrangements.Identify/confirm incorporation of CR&R and Disaster Risk Management experts within transversal arrangements for planning and implementation in the priority spatial targeting areas.6.1. Climate change experts are included in relevant structures and the extent of their involvement is demonstrated.Demonstrate extent of CR&R personnel and expertise in the city%u2019s BEPP Forum (or similar structure).